. . . A THOUSAND thank yous . . . continued
- The person who planted the coffee plant
- The person who harvested the coffee bean
- The people who processed the coffee bean
- The people who drove the truck to the field to pick up the coffee beans
- The people who built the truck
- The people who produced the tires
- The people on the oil well who got the oil to use be processed into gasoline
- The people at the refinery who tuned the oil in to gasoline for the truck
- The people at the gas station where the gasoline was purchased
- The person who made the cup that the coffee comes in
- The person who made the machine which produced the cup
- The person at the store who stocked the shelves with coffee
- The person at the water treatment plant for the cup of coffee
- The person at the manufacturing plant that made the stevia/splenda/sugar for the coffee
- The person who produced the spoon to scoop out the coffee
I think you get the idea it TRULY is amazing how hundreds of people were involved just to get that cup of coffee to be a reality. Thank you, Thank you Thank you. It really works tty it in your daily life for 30 days and you will see what I mean.